Wednesday, February 13, 2019

TIME TO REGISTER for Spring Workshops

Not too late to register for UTSPS Spring writing-poetry workshops:

POETRY IN THE PARK-Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at Zion Park Lodge with Kimberly Johnson from BYU English Dept. from 9 am to 3 pm, nature hike, workshop on "Paying Attention", bring sack lunch or eat in Redrock Grill. $50-includes free park pass. Register at  or register at the door w/o park pass.

REDROCK CREATIVE WRITING SEMINAR Sat-Mar 2, 2019 at Community Bldg 250 N 250 W in St. George 9 am to 1:30 pm. Three speakers: Kimberly Johnson-Writing the Details, Amy Jarecki-Writing Heart Stopping Historical Fiction, and Reuben Wadsworth-The Art of Seeing. Details and register at